dilluns, 10 de novembre del 2014

Holidays in the Caribean islands

Next year we are going to fly to the Caribean islands. 

The weather here is very hot, so we must wear summer clothes. We have a limit budget of 10.000.000$, so we will go an hotel of 8 stars, where the chef is Ferran Adrià. We're going to go alone (David Estebanell and David Farré). We are going to go to "beach" parties, we'll meet a lot of people, play party games, we'll go drunk every day, we are going to drive a lot of expensive cars (Lamborghini, Ferrari, Buggatti, Audi R8...), do scubba diving in the beautiful sea, we will go to a lot of disco's too... We will stay here like 359 days, cause the rest of the 6 days of the year that we are'nt there we will be in Tomorrowland, that is located in Boom (Belgium).
359 days later...
When the trip finished, David Estebanell had a beautiful tattoo done on his back and David Farré died for so much alcohol.

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