dissabte, 30 de gener del 2016



1.       What was the first video that was uploaded to your platform? Was a video called “Me at the zoo” uploaded by the user named Jawed, that was one of the cofounders of Youtube.
2.       When did Youtube start being an important industry? In 2006 when was bought by Google for 1650 million dollars. Nowadays is one of the most used webs in internet.
3.       Which ones are the actual earnings of the enterprise?  Nowadays, Youtube gains 4000 million dollars. However, the platform isn’t profitable for Google.Inc.
4.       Who is actually the most important person in Youtube?
The most important person of the enterprise actually is Susan Wojcicki, who is the executive director, who studied on the University of California in Los Angeles.
5.       When do you think that Youtube will achieve its best moment in the history of the platform?
We can’t predict when will happen the highest point of the platform, but nowadays we can say that is growing up a lot. Actually, Youtube is already a way of living for a lot of people and this shows the evolution of this project.
6.       Will Youtube be a new way to get a job?
Yes, of course. It’s already being, as I said before, a way of living for a really big quantity of people. The users actually subscribe to a lot of channels, and these people who are behind those channels can actually win thousands of dollars for one of their videos.