dilluns, 2 de novembre del 2015

Should bullfighting be abolished?

Many people think that bullfighting and some other similar activities like this are good in our contry because it's a tradition. We think they are old-fashioned nowadays.
In our opinion, bullfighting and other activities related to bulls (or any other animals) should be abolished here and anywhere that it's practised. In addition, we see this activity as a way of animal abuse, and that the people should start thinking about what are they doing trying to entertain themselves killing and hurting animals.
In conclusion, we think that we live in a disappointing world, where people have fun just hurting an animal until its death.

dimarts, 20 d’octubre del 2015

Parasyte. By: Dani and David

We go to speak about a serie that shows the atrocity and what humans are able to do for predominate above the other classes of animals.
All begans when a parasite enter to the right arm of an universitary student called Shinichi while he was sleeping. Afortunately, the intruder didn’t enter to the brain and couldn’t manipulate him. At that moment, the guy discovered that all the world was being colonised for parasites.
At the next day, he discovered his powers because a car was going to rush a girl and suddenly his hand changed and stopped the car automatically.
Later, when Shinichi gone back, “Migi”, the parasite of his hand, began to speak with him.
At the beginning didn’t know speak fast but for correct it, Migi began to read a lot of books and learnt a lot of words and some knowledges.
He can imitate any face that he wants, and leave the Sinichi’s body for a few minutes.
Satomi, the best friend of Shinichi’s childhood, begins to feel something strange in her best friend, and she begin to ask him about a lot of things. In spite of this, Satomi continue thinking that he has been doing diferent with her and the rest of people.
There is a girl called Kana that falls in love with Shinichi and has got powers of perception of parasites. She tells his feelings to him, but he is in love with Satomi. He wants to protect Kana from parasites, but at last she is attracted by a parasite and she dies.
A few days later his parents decided to go a weekend outside. The first night they went to do a hang around, when a parasite behead Shinichi’s mother and ate that. His father escape and called his son to tell him what happened. At next day, the parasite took the appearance of the mother and went to Shinichi’s house. When he saw her, he felt hope that all was a terrifying nightmare, but then she changed her appearance, drilled his heart and left. Migi became a heart and saved Shinichi’s life, but moreover, Migi’s particles spread for all his body becoming him less human.
There is another character, who is very strong called “Miki”. Is a human with three parasites incorporated on his body. This special parasite is considerated the best enemy that Shinichi and Migi had. During an intensitive fight, Migi has to leave the Shinichi’s body for secure the live of both, doing this, they have more possibilities to survive and win the fight. Finally, Shinichi killed Miki using an intoxicated stick from the rubbish. Later of this, Shinichi has to recuperate Migi again.
At the end, Migi decides to not interfere in Shinichi’s life never more.
The conclusion of this serie is that we are the authentics parasites and don’t let the other species coexist with us. For example killing for fun, more of the necessary, extint species, destroy animal’s habitats...

dimarts, 13 d’octubre del 2015

Is independence good for Catalonia?

It is a little bit difficult to talk about if the independence of Catalonia is good because we really don't know if in the future it will be good and Catalonia would be a competent country of Europe or not.

At the moment nobody knows what will happen. I mean that nobody knows comletly if at last Catalonia is going to be independent, and if it happens, nobody is secure that is not going to go down economically or without the support of other countries. But I think that the European Union is not going to let Catalonia go out, so asCatalonia has got a lot of industries I think that we will not have problems with the economy.

At last I have to say that we don't have to be scared because if it goes bad, we always could find a solution to solve the problem.

dilluns, 4 de maig del 2015

A narrative

-Hi Mr. Estebanell, tell us about the accident.
-Hi Mr. Stark, ithappened two years ago, when I was in Japan on holiday. One day that I was in Tokyo, I saw the birds flying different and I thought it was strange, 20 minutes after suddenly an earthquake started, I saw a lot of cars crashing in front of me, I had panic in my body and I couldn't move, but I had luck because it was short and little, it only was 2 minutes and finished.
-Thanks for explain your story Mr. Estebanell, bye.

Email and description of a person

I want to write to you because today arrived a new student in my school. Her name is Katarina, she is from Australia, is very beautiful, she has a long stright blonde hair, green eyes and an attractive lips. She is thiny and tall.
I don't know her personality because arrived today, but I saw a tattoo of a surfboard, so I think that she practise that sport, so she has to be funny and adventurous.
I promise you that I will write you in a week and tell you more things.
See you soon,